Wednesday, August 09, 2017

Commentary (评论)

China’s history full of traps and contradictions
EJ Insight, August 8, 2017

港澳辦:方案創新 並符合一國兩制及基本法 (Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office: “One place, two checks” is innovative, and is in accordance with “one country, two systems” and the Basic Law)
Mingpao, August 8, 2017

港大民意调查:逾半受访香港市民支持“一地两检”方案 (Survey: more than half of Hong Kongers support “one place, two checks” plan)
Radio Free Asia, August 8, 2017

林鄭:希望特區官員抓緊一帶一路發展機遇 (Carrie Lam: Hong Kong gov’t officials should firmly grasp the opportunity of development that “one belt, one road” brings)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 8, 2017