Thursday, August 24, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong's effort to penalize protests is creating a feedback loop
Pacific Standard, August 23, 2017

Jailed activist Joshua Wong “proud of Hongkongers” for big turnout at Sunday’s protest
Hong Kong Free Press, August 23, 2017

Supporters of jailed Hong Kong activists stage solidarity protests in London and Taiwan
Hong Kong Free Press, August 24, 2017

林鄭月娥稱理解父母心情 但不想再評論周永康父親言論 (Carrie Lam says she understands jailed youngsters’ parents, but will not comment on the criticism from Alex Chow’s father)
Radio Television Hong Kong, August 24, 2017

黃之鋒父續開火:林鄭顛倒是非 石永泰涼薄傲慢助紂為虐 (Joshua Wong’s father: Carrie Lam confuses truth and falsehood; SHIEH Wing-tai is cold-blooded, arrogant, and assists the tyrant)
Mingpao, August 23, 2017

Badiucao echoes Nobel call for HK democrats
China Digital Times, August 22, 2017

楊潤雄:國教一定做 不設硬指標 兩史課程修訂10月再諮詢 (Secretary for Education: National education is a must, no learning requirement will be set up for HK students, and consultation for two history class courses will start in Oct)
Mingpao, August 24, 2017

「一地两检」论坛上 学者炮轰香港高铁「大骗局」 (Scholar criticizes HK high-speed rail as a “big scam” on “one place, two checks” forum)
Radio Free Asia, August 23, 2017

香港特首林郑月娥到访阿里巴巴总部,更多阿里业务将在港布局 (Carrie Lam visited Alibaba headquarter, more Alibaba business will be placed in Hong Kong)
China National Radio, August 23, 2017