Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

廣州詩人浪子取保候審獨立作家指因言獲罪 (Guangzhou poet “Langzi” released on bail, independent writers accuse authority of conviction based on speech)
Voice of America, September 27, 2017

Chinese poet who compiled Liu Xiaobo poetry anthology released on bail, but with conditions
Hong Kong Free Press, September 27, 2017

新疆喀什特警检查站打死维族农民被判7年 (Special operation police officer sentenced to seven years for shooting a Uyghur peasant to death at checkpoint in Kashi, Xinjiang)
Radio Free Asia, September 26, 2017

新疆巴州维族在荷枪实弹下 举行“自首大会” (Uyghurs attend “surrender congregation” in Xinjiang under watch of armed police)
Radio Free Asia, September 26, 2017 xl1-09262017105037.html

淄博行政处罚走26步杜绝随意执法 山东全面推行行政执法三项制度 (26 steps needed for administrative detention in Zibo City to prevent arbitrary law enforcement, Shandong Province implements three systems for administrative law enforcement)
Legal Daily, September 26, 2017

全国律协关于印发《律师办理刑事案件规范》的通知 (All China Lawyers Association Notice on Issuing Lawyers Code of Conduct for Handling Criminal Cases)
All China Lawyers Association, September 26, 2017