北京商户维权千警进驻 十多群主遭威胁噤声 (Store owners in Beijing demonstrate for rights to continue to do business but are met with thousands of police, more than ten leaders of WeChat groups get warned and intimidated)
Radio Free Asia, September 19, 2017
上海46万“镇保”失地农民的65名代表第36次到上海市社保局维权 要求落实城保同等待遇 (65 representatives of peasants in rural areas who lost their lands in Shanghai protest at the local social security authority demanding the same treatment as their city peers)
Weiquanwang, September 19, 2017
数千下岗民师黑龙江上访求承认身份 (Thousands of laid-off teachers in Heilongjiang petition at local gov’ts demanding official status)
Radio Free Asia, September 19, 2017