Friday, September 22, 2017

Commentary (评论)

「殺無赦」背後的愚蠢 (The stupidity behind “kill mercilessly”)
Mingpao, September 22, 2017

Don’t give up on pursuit of democracy, former governor Chris Patten tells Hongkongers
South China Morning Post, September 22, 2017

李家超引述黃柳權強調不容許港獨或危害國家安全行為 (John Lee, Hong Kong security chief, quotes deputy of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council: Won’t allow Hong Kong independence or any actions that endanger national security)
Radio Television Hong Kong, September 22, 2017

All hands for cybersecurity
China Media Project, September 20, 2017

Chen Quanguo: The strongman behind Beijing’s securitization strategy in Tibet and Xinjiang
Jamestown Foundation, September 21, 2017