Friday, September 15, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

理大拆校內港獨標語稱為保護學生 組織千字文反駁邀明午公開對話 (PolyU removes HK independence posters to “protect students”, students organization refutes and invites university to open conversation)
Mingpao, September 15, 2017

港人士氣盡失 步劉曉波後塵 應亮:全世界睇香港點死 (Hongkongers’ moral is gone and will follow Liu Xiaobo’s suit; Ying Liang: the world will bear witness to how HK dies)
Nextplus, September 14, 2017

Unlike in Hong Kong, few in Macau demand greater democracy
The Economist, September 15, 2017

Important areas of One Country, Two Systems under “increasing pressure” says UK gov’t
Hong Kong Free Press, September 15, 2017