Friday, October 06, 2017

Access to Information (信息公开)

“环球实报”微信群多人被约谈 要求不听不看不转郭文贵爆料 (Many members of WeChat group “Huanqiu Shibao” get visited by police and asked not to watch or share Guo Wengui’s revelation)
Radio Free Asia, October 5, 2017

內地影評網豆瓣自我審查 封殺《逆權司機》條目禁討論防六四聯想 (Korean movie “A Taxi Driver” censored by mainland movie rating website to prevent people from associating with June Fourth)
HK01, October 4, 2017兩岸/123621/內地影評網豆瓣自我審查-封殺-逆權司機-條目禁討論防六四聯想