Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

最高法:法官辞职后限制期内不得受聘于律师事务所 (Supreme People’s Court: Judges can be employed by law firms after service)
The Paper, October 11, 2017

报道武汉大学生失踪案一文记者王涛遭行政拘留10天后又转看守所 恐被刑事拘留 (Journalist Wang Tao transferred to detention center after being detained for 10 days for reporting missing university students in Wuhan)
Weiquanwang, October 11, 2017

被捕律师王权璋妻子李文足再遭警方骚扰 (Li Wenzu, wife of arrested 709 lawyer Wang Quanzhang, harassed by police again)
Radio Free Asia, October 10, 2017

落实普法责任制部际联席会议第一次全体会议召开 (First cross-ministry meeting convened to implement accountability system for legal publicity)
Legal Daily, October 10, 2017

曹建明:发展完善中国特色社会主义公益司法保护制度 (Cao Jianming, Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Develop and improve a socialist public interest judicial protection system with Chinese characteristics)
Legal Daily, October 10, 2017

Notes from prison (part one of two)
China Change, October 10, 2017