Monday, October 16, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

中美执法部门追逃合作最新战果:1名美籍红通逃犯被中方遣返 (Cooperation of Chinese and American law enforcement sees fugitive on Interpol’s Red Notice extradited back to the U.S.)
The Paper, October 16, 2017

消息指劉霞上周末被帶離北京 料十九大後始能返回 (Liu Xia reported of being taken away from Beijing and expected to return after 19th National Party Congress)
Radio Television Hong Kong, October 16, 2017

2016,政法十大亮点 (Ten highlights of political and legal work in 2016)
Legal Daily, October 13, 2017

北京市警方设“案管组” 全方位监督办案执法 (Beijing police sets up “case management group” to supervise law enforcement)
The Beijing News, October 13, 2017

西安首起“一站式”审判机制案件:从刑拘到宣判仅用40小时 (First case of “one stop” trial system in Xi’an takes only 40 hours from detention to sentencing)
The Paper, October 13, 2017