Monday, October 09, 2017

Government Accountability (政府问责)

5年處分200萬黨員 佔總數2% (2 million CPC members punished during past 5 years, 2% of the entire Party membership)
Mingpao, October 9, 2017

国家公务员局有关负责同志就《聘任制公务员管理规定(试行)》进行解读 (Spokesperson for State Administration of Civil Service explains “Management Regulations on Government Official Employment System (Pilot)”)
Central People’s Government, October 6, 2017

China’s corrupt “tigers” tipped to be a rarer sight but plenty of “flies” left to swat
South China Morning Post, October 9, 2017

Friends in high places: Xi Jinping’s determined path to control
South China Morning Post, October 8, 2017

China congress: Military facelift a sign of bigger changes
British Broadcasting Corporation, October 8, 2017

Chinese watchdog says 1.34 million officials punished for graft since 2013
Reuters, October 8, 2017