Wednesday, October 04, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong-based anti-Communist magazines Cheng Ming and The Trend cease publication after 40 years1
Hong Kong Free Press, October 3, 2017

佔旺藐視法庭案13日宣讀判辭 20人中9人維持不認責 (Judge to hand down judgment on October 13 for case of contempt of court in “Occupy Mong Kok”, nine among 20 defendants maintain not-guilty plea)
Mingpao, October 3, 2017

港府提「一地两检」立法会议案 民主派批不负责任 (Hong Kong gov’t criticized by democrats for being irresponsible with co-location arrangement legislative proposal)
Radio Free Asia, October 3, 2017

Lingnan Uni students begin occupation-style protest after governing body member Junius Ho’s ‘killing’ remarks
Hong Kong Free Press, October 3, 2017