Monday, October 09, 2017

National Security & Counterterrorism (国家安全和反恐)

19大超级维稳 搭火车进北京要“人脸辨识” (Intensive stability maintenance demands train passengers going to Beijing get their faces scanned for identification as 19th National Party Congress looms)
Radio France Internationale, October 9, 2017中国/20171009-19大维稳-搭火车进北京要人脸辨识

新疆地方大力反恐 刀具未挂锁链被拘遭质疑 (Xinjiang upscales counterterrorism efforts and detains store owners for not putting knives in chains)
Radio Free Asia, October 8, 2017

烟台三家酒店不按规定登记住宿,违反反恐法均被罚10万元 (Three hotels in Yantai fined 100,000 yuan for violation of Counterterrorism Law after failing to register residents properly)
The Paper, October 6, 2017