Monday, October 16, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

UK lawyers say Hong Kong rule of law under threat after jailing of activists
The Guardian, October 16, 2017

12名國際律師聯署 批威脅法治精神 違港「一罪兩罰」原則 (12 int’l lawyers write open letter criticising jailing of activists as threat to rule of law and breach of "double jeopardy" principle in Hong Kong)
Mingpao, October 16, 2017

英維權領袖被拒入境 袁國強:外交由中央處理 何君堯:入境涉外交 (Rimsky Yuen and Junius Ho on British rights activist banned from entering Hong Kong: diplomatic affairs should be handled by Central Gov’t)
Mingpao, October 15, 2017

Democracy activists Lester Shum and Joshua Wong among 20 guilty of contempt over Mong Kok Occupy protest
Hong Kong Free Press, October 13, 2017