Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

投诉:我们西安市莲湖区城管人员到区政府请愿 (Bylaw enforcement officers in Xi’an petition at local government for social insurance and fair treatment)
Weiquanwang, November 29, 2017

内蒙古牧民草场被占 冲破公安阻扰区首府上访 (Inner Mongolian herdsmen defy police and petition in local capital after grassland was taken)
Radio Free Asia, November 28, 2017

伍立娟:四大银行断友继续在北京总部门口维权抗议 (Laid-off bank workers gather at Beijing main branches protesting for fair treatment)
Weiquanwang, November 28, 2017