Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

抗議中國政府「清理低端人口」 抗議政府暴力 寒冬驅逐窮人——香港民間團體聯署聲明 (Hong Kong civil society groups launch campaign in protest against Beijing forcefully evicting poor migrants)
Inmediahk, November 29, 2017

陳淑莊稱人大替香港未來法例「釋法」 立會變橡皮圖章 (Tanya Chan says NPC interpreting future Hong Kong laws would make LegCo rubber stamp)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 29, 2017

譚耀宗稱政府應要為23條立法主動做準備 (Hong Kong NPC candidate Tam Yiu-chung says SAR government should proactively prepare for enactment of Article 23)
Radio Television Hong Kong, November 29, 2017

香港民主派将游行抗议中共新一轮威权打压 (Hong Kong pro-democracy groups to march in protest against new wave of authoritarian suppression from Beijing)
Radio Free Asia, November 28, 2017