Friday, December 08, 2017

Access to Justice (司法公正)

China jails 21 people for 2015 nursing home fire: Xinhua
Reuters, December 8, 2017

排除阻力 魏玛将颁人权奖给伊力哈木 (Against all odds, Ilham Tohti awarded 2017 Weimar Human Rights Award)
Deutsche Welle, December 7, 2017

新疆周远案:背负“罪名”20年 庭上无人表达歉意 (No one apologizes on court to Zhou Yuan, man who spent 20 years in Xinjiang jail for crime he didn’t commit)
China News Weekly, December 7, 2017

拆迁公司嚣张袭击 两北京律师险遭活埋 (2 Beijing lawyers attacked by eviction mobs and almost get buried alive)
Radio Free Asia, December 7, 2017