Monday, December 11, 2017

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

世界人权日 北京遭驱逐外地人要人权 (Hundreds protest against forced eviction in Beijing, demanding human rights on Human Rights Day)
Voice of America, December 10, 2017

《刘晓波纪念文集》纽约发布 (Collected writings in commemoration of Liu Xiaobo launched in New York)
Voice of America, December 10, 2017

北京画家华涌“只因干了记者应该干而不敢干的活”而匆匆逃亡在祖国的大地上 (Beijing-based artist Hua Chong wanted by police for live-streaming forced eviction in city outskirts)
Weiquanwang, December 9, 2017

南街能成为法外之地吗?——35位大学生的起诉状 (35 university students sue Henan food factory for labor law violations)
Weiquanwang, December 8, 2017