Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Commentary (评论)

立會修議事規則 為所欲為時代到了 (As LegCo rules change, time to do whatever they want has come)
Mingpao, December 12, 2017

仿佛又回到人人都「說假話、放衛星」的年代了 (We seem to be reliving era in which everyone lies)
Inmediahk, December 12, 2017

世道人生:殘害人權的最大魔怪 (Behemoth that tramples on human rights)
Apple Daily, December 12, 2017

Hong Kong must show greater commitment to equality
South China Morning Post, December 12, 2017

From forced evictions of migrant workers to abused children: violations of social & economic rights in China refute the “China development model”
从遭遇强迫驱逐的农民工到受虐待的儿童:- 经济社会人权继续得不到保障是对「中国发展模式」的有力反驳
Chinese Human Right Defenders, December 11, 2017
EN: https://www.nchrd.org/2017/12/from-forced-evictions-of-migrant-workers-to-abused-children-violations-of-social-economic-rights-in-china-refute-the-china-development-model/
CH: https://www.nchrd.org/2017/12/from-forced-evictions-of-migrant-workers-chin-ver/