Friday, December 22, 2017

Government Accountability (政府问责)

No man an island: China warns against straying from party path
Reuters, December 22, 2017

监察法草案:监察委副主任由本级人大常委会任免 (Draft Supervision Law proposes NPC Standing Committee holds powers of appointment and removal of deputy-secretary of Supervisory Commission)
The Paper, December 22, 2017

土壤污染防治法草案二审:治污不力 市长将被约谈 (Second draft law on Preventing and Controlling Soil Pollution requires local officials to be questioned for weak enforcement)
The Paper, December 22, 2017

政府给社会组织强制摊派扶贫任务将被严肃追责(Governments can be harshly sanctioned for forcing their poverty alleviation responsibilities on social organizations)
Legal Daily, Dec 22, 2017