Monday, December 25, 2017

Hong Kong (香港)

港区人大:只要人大说一地两检合基本法就不必引用具体条文 (Hong Kong National Committee: If co-location arrangement is approved by the NPC, referring to specific provision is not necessary)
Radio France International, December 26, 2017中国/20171226-港区人大只要人大说一地两检合基本法就不必引用具体条文

黃之鋒批政府重開「公民廣場」是「有姿勢無實際」(Joshua Wong: The reopening of Civic Square is empty talk)
Radio Television Hong Kong, December 26, 2017

香港民运团体中联办前示威 悼念刘晓波 (Hong Kong pro-democracy groups protest in front of Liaison Office to commemorate Liu Xiaobo)
Deutshe Welle, December, 25, 2017