Friday, January 19, 2018

Access to Information (信息公开)

留學加國大陸生Twitter貼西藏旗 6小時後公安即致電其父母 (Chinese student in Canada posts Tibetan flag on Twitter and police calls his parents 6 hours after)
Stand News, January 18, 2018

新疆少数民族使用苹果手机受阻 (Ethic groups in Xinjiang face hurdle using iPhones)
Radio Free Asia, January 18, 2018

加强新时代高校思想政治理论课建设现场推进会召开 (Ministry of Education hosts meeting in Shanghai to push Xi Jinping Thought deeply into “teaching materials, classrooms, and brains” at universities)
Ministry of Education, January 18, 2018