Thursday, January 11, 2018

Access to Justice (司法公正)

余文生就遭受酷刑提起的国家赔偿申请书 (Rights lawyer Yu Wensheng demands state compensation for being allegedly tortured by Beijing police)
Weiquanwang, January 11, 2018

山东农民丁汉忠抗拆致两死案终审维持死缓判决,家人称将申诉 (Shandong top court upholds suspended death penalty of Ding Hanzhong, peasant who killed 2 in forced eviction dispute; family says will appeal)
The Paper, January 11, 2018

最高法研讨裁判文书说理改革:让法官愿说理、敢说理、会说理 (Supreme People’s Court discusses reforms to reasoning of judgment decisions: Judges must be willing, daring, and capable to provide arguments)
Supreme People’s Court, January 10, 2018

江苏江阴:“一体四翼”立体化刑执信息网络实现业务全覆盖 (Jiangyin City Procuratorate in Jiangsu Province installs parallel monitoring system in detention centers to automatically back up CCTV footage)
Procuratorate Daily, January 10, 2018