Friday, January 12, 2018

Access to Justice (司法公正)

李明哲轉囚湖南高戒備監獄 (Taiwanese activist Lee Ming-che transferred to high-security prison in Hunan)
Central News Agency, January 12, 2018

安徽男子涉贪被捕检察院13年后决定不起诉,已申请国家赔偿 (Anhui man, once arrested for suspected corruption, demands state compensation after procuratorate spent 13 years deciding not to press charges)
The Paper, January 11, 2018

检察院办案如何防范人情案关系案?海南省检:随机分配案件 (Hainan provincial Procuratorate randomly distributes cases to prosecutors to prevent personal relationship from getting involved)
Supreme People's Procuratorate, January 11, 2018

珠海市公安局不认可蔺其磊律师担任甄江华辩护人 (Rights lawyer Lin Qilei denied by Zhuhai police to represent activist Zhen Jianghua)
Human Rights Campaign in China, January 10, 2018