Thursday, January 04, 2018

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Uyghur inmates in Xinjiang’s Korla city endure overcrowded re-education camps
Radio Free Asia, January 3, 2018

最高法:中国裁判文书网访问总量近125亿次 (Supreme People’s Court says total traffic of China Judgments Online approaches 12.5 billion and over 41.31 million judgments are published)
Supreme People’s Court, January 3, 2018

司法部相关负责人就修订后的《基层法律服务所管理办法》《基层法律服务工作者管理办法》答记者问 (Ministry of Justice holds press conference on revised Measures on Administration of Legal Service Offices at the Grass-roots Level and Measures on Administration of Legal Service Workers at the Grass-roots Level, and it confirms “credit” of grass-roots legal professionals and offices will be tracked)
Legal Daily, January 2, 2018

最高检印发工作意见深入推进检察改革 (Supreme People’s Procuratorate issues opinion on reform, urging procuratorial organs to “strengthen political awareness”)
Supreme People’s Procuratorate, January 2, 2018