Monday, January 29, 2018

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

陳日君曾到梵蒂岡親向教宗就內地教會情況陳情 (Joseph Zen, former Bishop of Hong Kong, petition to Pope Francis in person in Vatican on half of mainland churches that are under Chinese suppression)
Radio Television Hong Kong, January 29, 2018

陳日君引述教宗已指示:別再讓教廷人員在內地受迫害 (Joseph Zen says Pope Francis has asked clergy to stop Bishops in China from being persecuted by CPC)
Mingpao, January 29, 2018

709案最后一人王全璋杳无音讯 公民“一人一照”吁让王全璋回家过年 (Citizens join photo campaign demanding release of rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang before China New Year)
Radio Free Asia, January 28, 2018