Monday, January 08, 2018

Citizen Participation (公民参与)

Workers don’t need threats, just the chance to negotiate
China Labor Bulletin, January 8, 2018

中国曹顺利人权团队在上海的部分人权捍卫者近日第4次上街举牌要求中共政权立即释放全国政治犯并解除党禁报禁 (Human rights defenders in Shanghai hold placards on street demanding release of political prisoners and allowing political parties and media to operate freely)
Weiquanwang, January 7, 2018

Zhen Jianghua: The perilous life of a young activist in China
China Change, January 5, 2018

众律师就王全璋律师、李昱函律师权益遭侵害事宜上访中华全国律师协会情况通报 (Update on a group of lawyers petition at All China Lawyers Association for Wang Quanzhang and Li Yuhan)
Weiquanwang, January 5, 2018