Friday, January 19, 2018

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China’s two-child policy has already stopped working
Quartz, January 19, 2018

全总要求各地工会保障春节期间农民工工资支付 (All-China Federation of Trade Unions asks affiliates to ensure migrant workers getting paid during Chinese New Year)
Xinhua News Agency, January 18, 2018

多地自曝GDP造假 国家统计局:国家数据实行“分级核算”真实性不受影响 (After many local governments confess to have fabricated GDP numbers, National Bureau of Statistics claims national data is “accounted at different levels” and its authenticity is not affected)
The Beijing News, January 18, 2018

国有资产报告制度建立 今年10月将首次晒国资家底 (In new system, first report by State Council on management of state-owned assets will be heard by NPC Standing Committee in October)
Economic Information Daily, January 18, 2018

The climate change promise of China’s Belt and Road Initiative
The Diplomat, January 18, 2018