Friday, January 05, 2018

Government Accountability (政府问责)

合肥市政府:16处公交站台顶板倒塌致1死28伤 将调查工程质量 |沸点 (Hefei government to launch investigation into 16 bus station roof collapses that killed 1 and injured 28)
The Beijing News, January 5, 2018

加班别任性!一月加班超36小时,这家珠海企业被重罚19万! (Zhuhai company fined 190,000 yuan for forcing 1,905 employees to work overtime)
Southern Metropolis Daily, January 5, 2018

武汉通报年度“十差不满意单位”正风除弊 (Wuhan commission for discipline inspection openly criticizes 10 institutions that performed poorly in 2017)
China Youth Daily, January 5, 2018

江苏省消保委对百度提起公益诉讼获立案:涉违法获取个人信息 (Jiangsu consumer protection authority sues Baidu for endangering personal information safety)
The Paper, January 5, 2018

As China greens its economy, these people, businesses, and nations will feel the pinch
Quartz, January 4, 2018