Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Access to Information (信息公开)

一家书店的葬礼,和它告别的时代 (Funeral of a bookstore and the era it bids farewell to)
The Initium, February 6, 2018

浙江网信办关闭“叔叔不约”等一批违法违规网站及用户账号 (Zhejiang censors a group of “illegal” websites and social media accounts)
Zhejiang Branch of Cyberspace Administration of China, February 6, 2018

有偿删帖 有偿炒作——“网络水军”违法犯罪活动调查 (Crackdown on “Internet water army” has led to 200 arrests, shutdown of 5,000 Internet accounts and nearly 10,000 websites since May 2017)
Xinhua News Agency, February 4, 2018

严格执法形成震慑 规范执法彰显法治——2017年全国网信行政执法工作扎实推进 (Cyberspace Administration of China reports “clear results” in 2017 administrative law enforcement work, including shutting down 22,587 websites, 3.17 million accounts and chat groups)
Cyberspace Administration of China, February 5, 2018

国家新闻出版广电总局关于《电影行政处罚裁量办法(征求意见稿)》公开征求意见的公告 (State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television solicits public opinions on draft of “Administrative Punishment Discretionary Measures for Films”, contents that damage national dignity, honor and social stability will result in heavy punishments)
State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, February 2, 2018