Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Chinese traffic police let offenders off if they post a confession online (and it gets enough likes)
South China Morning Post, April 18, 2018

中国公安部长:坚决捍卫国家政治安全 (Head of Ministry of Public Security claims to firmly defend political security)
Voice of America, April 18, 2018

維權鐵漢吳淦囚8年 上訴維持原判 (Appeal court upholds sentence, sends rights defender Wu Gan to 8 years in jail)
Apple Daily, April 17, 2018

Tibetan farmland seized for new airport
Radio Free Asia, April 17, 2018

Chinese doctor at center of “poison tonic” case released from detention center
South China Morning Post, April 17, 2018