Thursday, April 26, 2018

Access to Justice (司法公正)

Video: “I will not accept gov’t-appointed lawyer unless tortured,” arrested Chinese lawyer Yu Wensheng says
Hong Kong Free Press, April 26, 2018

Prominent Uyghur scholar detained in Xinjiang capital Urumqi: official
Radio Free Asia, April 25, 2018

China to punish those who “glorify wars of invasion”
Reuters, April 25, 2018

完善衔接机制加强追逃力度总结试点经验,刑事诉讼法迎来第三次修改,缺席审判制度及速裁程序等拟入法 (NPC Standing Committee proposes amendments to Criminal Procedure Law: Permit trial in absentia, set up plea bargain system, speed up trial procedures)
Legal Daily, April 25, 2018

刑事法律援助工作联席会议第一次会议强调,充分发挥刑事法律援助在加强人权司法保障 促进司法公正中的重要作用 (7 departments, including Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Procuratorate, Ministry of State Security, to enhance coordination, improve legal aid for criminal cases and “strengthen judicial protection of human rights”)
Legal Daily, April 25, 2018

司法部、全国普法办召开会议要求 以高度的政治责任感组织开展好宪法学习宣传教育活动 (Ministry of Justice launches campaign to promote studying Constitution with “great sense of political responsibility”, combining “Constitutional education with studying Xi Jinping Thought”)
Ministry of Justice, April 24, 2018