Monday, May 14, 2018

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

个人信息泄露成网络消费大痛点 (Hubei Provincial Consumer Commission survey results: 44% dissatisfied with protection of consumers’ personal information, 87% increase in online shopping complaints)
Legal Daily, May 13, 2018

China welcomes Trump’s help on ZTE as trade talks loom
The New York Times, May 14, 2018

China sends trade envoy to U.S., welcomes Trump ZTE comments
Voice of America, May 14, 2018

China's Xiaomi lures huge fan base in Vietnam by bringing innovation to everyone
Sina English, May 14, 2018

不再“野蛮”生长,中国互联网业纳入党的领导 (To avoid “uncivilized” growth, China’s Internet will be led by the Party)
Voice of America, May 12, 2018

Lenovo, the Chinese giant that plays by the rules … and loses
The Guardian, May 12, 2018