Thursday, May 31, 2018

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

Revealed: The advanced surveillance “black tech” within reach of China’s police
Reuters, May 31, 2018

公安部辦裝備博覽會 展過百款監控設備 國產掃描器稱可破解手機密碼 (China-made device that can easily crack mobile passwords is demonstrated at China International Exhibition on Police Equipment along with over a hundred other monitoring devices)
Standnews, May 31, 2018公安部辦裝備博覽會-展過百款監控設備/

谷歌发布新应用 重返中国又进一步 (Google publishes new app, a big step towards returning to China)
Voice of America, May 31, 2018