Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Access to Justice (司法公正)

没有呈堂的物证:第三人DNA疑被隐匿,男子因杀人罪入狱16年,写血书申诉 (Man appeals murder conviction after spending 16 years in jail, alleging forced confession and spoliation of evidence)
Beijing Youth Daily, July 24, 2018

甘肃蒙冤企业家获无罪:被关11年,拟申请国家赔偿逾20亿 (Wrongfully convicted businessman who spent 11 years in prison for alleged contract fraud seeks RMB 2 billion in state compensation)
The Paper, July 24, 2018

北京:以个人名义公开募捐拟被禁止,承诺捐款未履行将被起诉 (Beijing solicits public comments on its proposal to regulate city’s philanthropic industry, including ban on personal fund raising and prosecution for failure to pay donation pledge)
The Paper, July 24, 2018

人权捍卫者黎容好被构陷案今开庭审理,公诉人未建议量刑 法官未依法宣告当庭释放 (Rights defender Li Ronghao’s trial: Prosecutor did not press for a sentence charge, yet judge refuses to release Li)
China Human Rights Defenders, July 23, 2018