Thursday, July 12, 2018

Government Accountability (政府问责)

China’s human rights record, aggressive military expansion damage its soft power rating
South China Morning Post, July 12, 2018

中办印发《关于党的基层组织任期的意见》:每届任期为5年(CPC limits local office term to 3-5 years)
Xinhua, July 12, 2018

河北政法委原书记张越被判刑15年(Former Secretary of Hebei CPC Political and Legal Affairs Committee sentenced to 15 years for over RMB 150 million bribery charges)
People’s Daily App, July 12, 2018

哈尔滨交警系统“塌方式”腐败:251人被查,传前局长自杀(251 individuals are investigated in Harbin traffic police corruption scandal)
China Newsweek, July 12, 2018

广州市委政法委原书记吴沙受贿超千万,终审被判刑十年(Former Secretary of Guangzhou City CPC Political and Legal Affairs Committee sentenced to 10 years for corruption charges)
Guangdong News, July 4, 2018

检察日报刊文谈中国足坛反腐:需要去行政化真市场化准法治化(Anticorruption measures in Chinese soccer industry call for de-administration, marketization, and rule of law)
The Procuratorate Daily, July 3, 2018