Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Hong Kong (香港)

【一地兩檢】高院准援引內地法律專家證供 決定同時聽取5宗覆核論據 (Hong Kong court allows report from mainland legal experts, will hear five appeals on co-location together)
Ming Pao, July 10, 2018

Hong Kong lawmaker draws ire by suggesting up to 10,000 “domestic servant” jobs be reserved for people from ethnic minorities
South China Morning Post, July 10, 2018

Hong Kong teen’s dreams of being a doctor dashed by education system’s failure to teach Chinese to ethnic minority students
South China Morning Post, July 10, 2018

“Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity and respect”: British lesbian QT on her Hong Kong court win
Hong Kong Free Press, July 10, 2018