Thursday, July 19, 2018

Hong Kong (香港)

Police monitored pro-independence Hong Kong National Party for 18 months before attempt to ban it
South China Morning Post, July 19, 2018

【民族党公开700页文件】警方:陈浩天曾声援旺角骚乱入狱者 不信已弃暴力手段 (Hong Kong National Party releases 700 pages of documents, police question organization’s non-violence based on presence at event supporting Mong Kok rioters)
The Stand News, July 19, 2018民族黨公開700頁文件-警方-陳浩天曾聲援旺角騷亂入獄者-不信已放棄暴力手段-要採取-預防措施

26民间团体联署反对取缔民族党 人民力量快咇:政党结束个人仍可「讲独」 (Twenty six civil organizations sign joint-statement condemning ban on Hong Kong National Party)
The Stand News, July 19, 2018 26民間團體聯署反對取締民族黨-人民力量快咇-政黨結束個人仍可-講獨/

Do not wait until pro-independence party resorts to violence, police say in recommending gov’t ban
Hong Kong Free Press, July 19, 2018

社民连、众志到俄领事馆声援 Pussy Riot 指港同迈向威权政府 (In solidarity with Pussy Riot, civil groups protest authoritarianism at Russian embassy)
Inmedia, July 19, 2018