Wednesday, July 18, 2018

ICTs and Human Rights (信息技术与人权)

中国电信提供苹果中国用户云储存再掀担忧(State-owned China Telecom to provide cloud service for Apple users, privacy concerns loom)
Voice of America, July 18, 2018

Beijing did a tech reality check on its industrial champions. The results were not amazing
South China Morning Post, July 18, 2018

Beijing’s new Zaha Hadid-designed airport to showcase latest facial recognition technology
South China Morning Post, July 18, 2018

广东劝阻潜在电诈受骗事主15万余人,反诈先锋APP上线(Guangdong uses app to alert users about potential scams)
China News, July 18, 2018