Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Hong Kong (香港)

民陣發起十一遊行 要求全面徹查沙中綫、陳帆下台 (Civil Human Rights Front plans march on National Day to demand comprehensive probe of Shatin-Central transit Link scandal and call for resignation of Secretary of Transport and Housing)
inmediahk.net, September 11, 2018

Protesters have to be more “organised and disciplined” to avoid jail, Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Raphael Wong says
South China Morning Post, September 10, 2018

Hong Kong Bar Association open to restarting Peking University course but only if school says why two human rights lawyers were barred from teaching
Hong Kong Free Press, September 10, 2018

Video: Hong Kong democracy activists march with “Xi the Pooh” in national anthem protest
Hong Kong Free Press, September 10, 2018

全日制學生自殺率 5年升逾七成 港大:學校預防屏障功能或漸失 (Student suicide rate soars 70% over 5 years, study suggests improving education system)
Citizen News, September 10, 2018