Monday, September 10, 2018

National Security & Counterterrorism (国家安全和反恐)

上海官方工会文件首次将“境外敌对势力”与境外NGO挂勾(For the first time, official Shanghai union document links "outside hostile forces" with foreign NGOs)
Radio France Internationale, September 9, 2018中国/20180909-上海官方工会文件首次将境外敌对势力与境外ngo挂勾

民警依法履职致公民权益受损拟不担责 (New draft regulations to exempt police officers from liability if violation of civil rights was in course of rightful execution of duty)
Beijing News, September 9, 2018

China’s little-noticed “new police law” gives vastly expanded legal powers to public security apparatus
China Change, September 6, 2018