中宣部下令禁傳媒報道 (CPC Propaganda Department bans reporting on decision to shutter liberal think tank)
Ming Pao, October 12, 2018
自由派智庫 天則系機構遭取締 6年兩公司釘牌 消息:當局欲全面封殺 (Beijing to issue comprehensive ban on liberal think tank)
Ming Pao, October 12, 2018
教育部将建国家教材建设重点研究基地 (Ministry of Education to build study centers on developing national teaching materials, including political theory, socialism with Chinese characteristics, contemporary history, and ethnic management)
Beijing News, October 11, 2018
最高检检察长张军:检察机关要积极参与未成年人法治宣传教育 (“Governance by law must start from children”: Supreme People’s Procuratorate to promote education for minors in line with Xi’s directions) Beijing News, October 11, 2018