“缺席审判”条款引关注,有委员建议将涉黑犯罪纳入适用范围 (NPC Standing Committee member proposes to expand scope of “trials in absentia” provisions to include serious crimes, regardless of availability of defendant)
The Paper, October 24, 2018
两院组织法修订草案:委员“专门法院由谁设置、由谁任免、对谁负责、向谁报告应有明确规制” (NPC Standing Committee proposes clear rules on establishment, appointment, and accountability of special courts)
Beijing News, October 24, 2018
被精神病:网络作家被关两月 (Online writer detained in mental institute for two months for making statements critical of the state)
Radio Free Asia, October 23, 2018
中国精神病治疗乱象:被精神病 (Bedlam in mental health treatment in China: You are given a mental illness)
Radio Free Asia, October 23, 2018