Friday, October 05, 2018

Commentary (评论)

范冰冰「被失蹤」,揭露中國司法體系潛規則 (Movie star Fan Bingbing's disappearance raises questions about the Chinese justice system)
Time, October 5, 2018

China’s influence operations are pinpointing America’s weaknesses
Foreign Policy, October 4, 2018

The Uyghurs and the Han: 1 World, 2 Universes
The Diplomat, October 4, 2018

北京回族家庭三代:信仰是怎樣走向真空的?(Three generations of Hui people in Beijing: how their religion got pushed into vacuum)
The Initium, October 3, 2018

北京牛街:改造後,穆斯林聚居區已快變成小吃街 (How did a Muslim neighborhood in the heart of Beijing transform into a snack-street by urban renewal)
The Initium, October 4, 2018