Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Hong Kong (香港)

A “worrying precedent”: Int’l pressure mounts on Hong Kong to explain FT journalist visa denial
Reuters, October 8, 2018

Financial Times journalist Victor Mallet allowed back into Hong Kong for seven days only – even though British tourists can stay for 6 months
South China Morning Post, October 8, 2018

Hong Kong’s denial of work visa for journalist Victor Mallet sends “chilling message” about erosion of basic rights, Financial Times says
South China Morning Post, October 8, 2018

“No foreign country has any right to interfere”: China issues warning as Hong Kong bans journalist
Hong Kong Free Press, October 7, 2018

【FCC副主席續簽被拒】林鄭:不交代是國際慣例 矢言捍衛言論新聞自由 (Chief executive Carrie Lam maintains refusal to give reasons for visa denial)
Ming Pao, October 9, 2018

游梁衝立會會議廳案 青政前議員助理放棄上訴即時入獄 (Assistant of ousted legislator gives up appeal against unlawful assembly conviction for trying to enter LegCo, starts serving jail sentence)
The Stand News, October 8, 2018

Forced retirement is “age discrimination,” head of Hong Kong’s Elderly Commission tells local businesses
South China Morning Post, October 7, 2018

Hong Kong Polytechnic University students end hunger strike over bulletin board which carried pro-independence signs
South China Morning Post, October 7, 2018

理大學生會絕食逾24小時 校方促離開或追究 (More than 24 hours into hunger strike, Polytechnic University urges students to leave lest they face consequences)
Inmediahk.net, October 6, 2018

Hong Kong education chief forced to clarify controversial comments about teaching Chinese language in Cantonese
South China Morning Post, October 7, 2018