Badiucao – the interview: “I think we are witnessing the dying of Hong Kong”
Hong Kong Free Press, November 4, 2018
「人人都可成 Pussy Riot」 無懼巴丟草展叫停 開幕講座移師深水埗 (“Everyone can be Pussy Riot”: opening talk of dissenter-artist Badiucao exhibition goes on despite forced cancellation)
The Stand News, November 4, 2018巴丟草展覽被打壓 Pussy Riot 快閃中環抗議 (After threats from Chinese authorities shut down dissenter-artist exhibition, Pussy Riot organizes “flash-mob” in solidarity
The Stand News, November 4, 2018
Uber says it has changed its ways and is willing to partner with Hong Kong government to help smart city plan
South China Morning Post, November 4, 2018
香港曾是言論自由的避風港,現在卻配合中國驅逐外國記者 (Hong Kong used to be the safe haven for freedom of speech, but now cooperates with China to expel foreign journalists)
Time, November 3, 2018