Thursday, January 17, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

順豐再被投訴審查 拒港宗教團體寄十字架到澳門 (SF Express review process extends to religious items as Catholic volunteer’s package rejected for containing a cross)
The Stand News, January 17, 2019

Huawei gear not checked for spyware
The Standard, January 17, 2019

Hong Kong’s pro-democracy and pro-Beijing camps join forces in Legislative Council to call for government U-turn on elderly assistance age change
South China Morning Post, January 16, 2019

【長者綜援門檻提高】立會通過無約束力議案促擱置 羅致光問:現在還有沒有人說「人生七十古來稀」?(LegCo unites to pass non-binding motion to shelve proposals raising threshold for elderly benefits as gov’t insists policy is constitutional)
Ming Pao, January 17, 2019

港大民調:六成人認為不控梁振英決定偏頗 民主黨研提私人檢控 (HKU survey: 60% of respondents think decision not to prosecute CY Leung is biased)
The Stand News, January 16, 2019

Macau denies entry to ex-student leader of Hong Kong’s Umbrella Movement Yvonne Leung
Hong Kong Free Press, January 16, 2019

學聯及八大專院校學生會發聯合聲明 反對任何形式國歌法 (9 Hong Kong university student organizations issue joint statement to oppose any form of national anthem law)
The Stand News, January 16, 2019

【流感高峰】多間公院逼爆 護協周日政總集會 促政府增資源應對 (Nurses to rally on Sunday to protest dire working conditions, lack of resources during flu season)
HK01, January 16, 2019