梁天琦、李諾文、林傲軒暴動罪重審無罪 容偉業三罪罪成 (Edward Leung, two others acquitted of rioting charges; Yung Wai-ip convicted of 3 charges, to be sentenced on April 4)
The Stand News, March 22, 2019
Localist activist Edward Leung cleared of second rioting charge during 2016 Mong Kok unrest
Hong Kong Free Press, March 22, 2019
為什麼香港政府會放寬空氣污染指標?(Why did Hong Kong government relax its air pollution benchmarks?)
Inmediahk.net, March 22, 2019
【逃犯條例修訂 FAQ】吳靄儀逐點反駁政府:法庭無權審議大陸證據合法性 香港記者高危 (Legal scholar Margaret Ng rebuts government narrative: Courts have no power to review evidence raised by mainland, journalists in Hong Kong at high risk)
The Stand News, March 21, 2019
逃犯例剔商罪 大律師會指反削現制 已簽協議19國 稅務環保版權罪行多包 (Excluding commercial crimes in extradition law amendments undermines existing regime, says Bar Association spokesman, citing existing extradition agreements)
Ming Pao, March 22, 2019
立法會否決改革移民及入境政策無約束力議案 (LegCo vetoes non-binding motion to reform immigration policy on one-way permits)
Radio Television Hong Kong, March 21, 2019
Hong Kong is no closer to legalizing same-sex marriage, says Chief Exec. Carrie Lam
Hong Kong Free Press, March 21, 2019