Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Access to Information (信息公开)

扫黄打非办:要求网络企业彻底清理存量低俗信息 (Office for “Eradicating pornography and illegal publications” begins 8-month campaign to clean out inappropriate content)
Beijing News, April 9, 2019
HRIC Note: The campaign covers content that is: obscene or pornographic; contrary to marriage and family morals; “of low-class interest, such as parody and satire”; and brutal and violent. The campaign targets online literature, live-streams, short videos, games, and mobile app platforms such as Weibo and WeChat; and will urge Internet access service providers and app stores not to service those “lacking in quality.”

Chinese universities ordered to spy on staff, students in ideological crackdown
Radio Free Asia, April 8, 2019

疑蠢人作怪 于建嵘六神磊磊童大焕遭微博禁言封号 (More scholars silenced on Weibo for “damaging messages about current affairs”)
Radio France Internationale, April 8, 2019

杨恒均中国“被失踪”案:澳大利亚媒体揭秘幕后原因 (Australian media uncover motive in China’s disappearance of Yang Hengjun)
BBC News, April 8, 2019

Why are Australian politicians intensifying their presence on Chinese social media platforms?
Australian Broadcasting Corporation, April 8, 2019

The hottest app in China teaches citizens about their leader, and, yes, there’s a test
The New York Times, April 8, 2019