Monday, April 15, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

【六四三十】逾百人長跑悼六四 陳健民同參與 (100 Hong Kongers take part in jogging event to commemorate 30th anniversary of June Fourth), April 15, 2019

林鄭:短期內提交民族黨報告予中央 (Carrie Lam says she will soon submit report to central government on National Party ban, with public disclosure within legal limits)
The Stand News, April 15, 2019

社區報眾籌再啟動 目標區選前助四區出版 (Community newspaper starts new round of crowdfunding call following success last year, aims to publish in 4 new districts before upcoming elections), April 13, 2019

台方三提台港司法互助請求無回應 陸委會籲香港簽署 (Taiwan’s Mainland Affairs Council urges long-term, systematic cooperation mechanisms with Hong Kong, says SAR gov’t had ignored three previous requests for assistance on murder case)
Radio Television Hong Kong, April 12, 2019

【逃犯條例】不會撤回草案 李家超冀盡快立法:我哋非常心急 (Security Bureau chief John Lee says gov’t is “very anxious” to pass amendment on extradition laws to deal with Taiwan murder case, will not retract bill)
The Stand News, April 12, 2019

法律界團體「法政匯思」發表《法治報告》,指「香港法治威脅來自北京」,提出60項建議 (Lawyers group publishes report on Hong Kong rule of law, says threat comes from Beijing, raises 60 recommendations)
The Initium, April 12, 2019

Progressive Lawyers Group urges reform for Hong Kong’s anti-graft law, Societies Ordinance and police practices
Hong Kong Free Press, April 12, 2019

New Hong Kong equality watchdog chief says it should be “neutral” on gay rights, drawing ire from LGBT community
Hong Kong Free Press, April 12, 2019