Thursday, May 16, 2019

Hong Kong (香港)

Hong Kong democracy activist Joshua Wong returns to jail after court hears Umbrella Movement appeal
Hong Kong Free Press, May 16, 2019

【逃犯條例】民主派促撤回修例、確認涂謹申為主席 建制派斥民主派無誠意 (Bipartisan negotiation lasts only 15 minutes: Pan-Dems insist on confirmation of James To as chairman, retraction of amendment bill; pro-establishment slams them for having “no sincerity to negotiate”), May 16, 2019

堅持合憲會議 提防談判陷阱—— 就《逃犯條例》各黨派協商之嚴正聲明 (“Stand firm on constitutionality of meeting and beware of negotiation trap”: Statement by Demosisto to LegCo parties), May 15, 2019

【逃犯條例】林鄭:工作未做完ㅤ無咩可撤回ㅤ修例有社會支持 (Carrie Lam: Work on extradition law amendment is not finished and there is nothing to retract; amendment supported by society)
The Stand News, May 16, 2019

北京就修订《逃犯条例》表态 表明要尊重“一制” (Beijing speaks up on extradition law amendment: Hong Kong must respect mainland’s “one system” as part of One Country Two Systems)
Radio Free Asia, May 15, 2019

“Necessary, appropriate, lawful and reasonable”: Beijing renews pressure on Hong Kong to pass extradition bill
Hong Kong Free Press, May 16, 2019

中聯辦明晤人代政協挺修例 建制:將聽重要指示 胡志偉:變政治硬任務 (Hong Kong Liaison Office calls urgent meeting with Hong Kong’s National People Congress and Political Consultative Conference delegates to give directions on extradition law amendment, reports say Beijing officials urging patriotic groups to start narrative campaign to support government to get bill passed)
Ming Pao, May 16, 2019

Avery Ng and other pro-democracy activists convicted over 2016 clashes outside Beijing office
Hong Kong Free Press, May 15, 2019

New deputy director role proposed for public broadcaster RTHK, but critics fear gov’t influence
Hong Kong Free Press, May 15, 2019

HKJA regrets the obstruction of news coverage by Legco security guards, and demands Legco president to clarify his position
Hong Kong Journalists Association, May 15, 2019